Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2024

Minutes the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
Minutes the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
Annual General Meeting 2024
Invitation to the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (include all enclosures)
Enclosure 1
Copy of the minutes of the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
Enclosure 2
Annual report 2023 (One Report) consisting of financial statement ended as at 31 December 2023 in the QR-Code format
Enclosure 3
Profiles of the candidate directors to replace those retired by rotation
Enclosure 4
Definition of an Independent Director
Enclosure 5
Profiles of the candidate proposed for the new directors
Enclosure 6
Profiles of the Auditor for the year 2024
Enclosure 7
The Company's Articles of Association in relation to Shareholders' Meeting
Enclosure 8
Guidance and documents for the electronic meeting attendance (E-AGM)
Enclosure 9
Acceptance form for attending the meeting via electronic media
Enclosure 10
Proxy Form A
Enclosure 11
Proxy Form B
Enclosure 12
Proxy Form C (For foreign investors appoints Custodian in Thailand to be share depository and keeper)
Enclosure 13
Profiles of the independent directors proposed as proxy grantees by the Company
Enclosure 14
QR Code application procedures
Enclosure 15
Privacy Notice
Proposal of the Agenda for the 2024 Annual Meeting