In the past year, AMR restructured its business into three main groups: AIoT, Infrastructure & Green Transportation, and Renewable Energy & Green Environment. This was aimed at enhancing AMR's overall growth potential.
Mr. Natthachai Siriko
Chief Executive Officer

Year 2022 was a challenging year for AMR in many aspects, especially with significant economic uncertainty and volatility. It was a year where AMR strategically adjusted to enhance its competitiveness and pave the way for future success. As a leading engineering firm or Total System Integrator in Thailand, AMR was committed to advancing high-tech innovations to keep pace with the rapidly changing global landscape and the entry of international businesses with vast knowledge and capital.

To adapt to these changes, AMR shifted its focus from being a System Integrator to a service provider utilizing Smart Technology to strengthen its business capabilities for future global trends. In the past year, AMR restructured its business into three main groups: AIoT, Infrastructure & Green Transportation, and Renewable Energy & Green Environment. This was aimed at enhancing AMR's overall growth potential.

Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, which affected business operations and caused delays in project delivery, AMR faced shortages in materials and labor, leading to increased costs. Many businesses struggled to maintain continuous operations due to these factors, impacting AMR both directly and indirectly. Consequently, there was a greater emphasis on cost management and risk mitigation for future uncertainties.

AMR management team acknowledges the challenges of the past year and has taken corrective actions while continuously reviewing operations in response to changing circumstances. With over 25 years of expertise in System Integration, IoT, and ICT projects, AMR focused on establishing recurring revenue streams to ensure financial stability. In 2022, investments were made to expand revenue streams from new ventures, such as partnering with companies such as U Element Co., Ltd., to supply raw water to the Map Ta Phut Industrial Estate and collaborating with Sacco Group in AS MaCharge Co., Ltd., to provide electric motorcycle rental services on Koh Samui, providing battery swapping stations developed by the in-house R&D team. These initiatives not only generated income but also promoted environmental sustainability.

Despite the current backlog of projects worth over 2 billion Baht and continuous new project acquisitions, AMR remains confident in its ability to generate increased.

Mr. Natthachai Siriko
Chief Executive Officer